Saturday, December 31, 2011

It's all about the iron

I just love rusty old iron pieces, and I especially love iron that is showcased on beautiful fences, houses and courtyards like in NOLA ~ just a few pictures of pieces that I saw while out and about in the Big Easy over New Years Eve.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Turning 50 in Cajun Country

So Honey and I headed to my beloved Cottage in South Louisiana to celebrate the dreaded 5 - 0.  It was actually Christmas Eve, but I decided to fight it with everything in me and really do it up good by celebrating on New Year's Eve in New Orleans ~ that suited me just fine, and we had a GREAT time!
Just a few shots of the Louisiana I love prior to the party that I loved!

Crawfish traps in South Louisiana, near Iota

Fleur de Lise on the fence across from Dwyers Cafe' - Lafayette

Water Tower in Estherwood, LA

Love the mossy oaks

Bald Eagle in its nest on the I10 span going into NOLA